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What Is It
What Causes It ? Where Is It Coming From ?
Last Time, We Wrote:
A Killing Mechanism, Part I and Part II, is coming to Planet Earth, your home and our home.
It will come from Within and and it will come from Without. There will be a melding of these forces to effect a massive wipeout. The without/within portion will come from Case A and Case B of The Killing Mechanism, Part I, respectively.
Case A will come from sheer terror, confusion, and chaos, melded with that coming from other countries. This will put extreme stress on the chemistry of the organism that has been under attack for some time now (endocrine disruptors, excess polyunsaturated fats, polluted water and air, over–medication generating reactive oxygen species in excess, etc.) and is prime for a breakdown, such that its normal biological defenses will be overwhelmed. The fittest biochemistries will survive.
All organisms under attack will have to cope with enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species, excessive Shift bases formed generating Amadori shifts falling into Mallard reactions. Lipid peroxidation will be accelerated. DNA will not be able to do the Dark Repair as continual attacks on it will overcome this mechanism. Tissues will die and not have a chance at repair after a while. The onslaught will be too much for all, except the hardiest of the biochemistries. We are going to witness, throughout all this, "The Survival of The Fittest," and not realize this, until it is all over, with few remaining on Planet Earth years from now.
Case B will be that coming from within your own bodies. Keep in mind, A and B will meld, increasing the damage. Case A and Case B will become as one.
The die was cast some 50 years or more ago. Part II of The Killing Mechanism was cast some 26,000 years ago. There is no turning back. We will do as best we can to give what we know that will help one survive. In some cases, nothing can be done.
The Second portion of The Killing Mechanism, Part II, will come from without. It will come from the stars, and because of the within portion, Case B, Part I, it will reinforce itself and create massive deaths worldwide. The Second Portion of that coming from without will generate a massive kill–off, first. Then, we should, who are left alive, witness a massive die–off—around 2016 – 2020. No one can be sure of the time schedule. It may last a generation or more; or, may happen much faster because of the weakened biochemistries now presented. It was recently given that man is no longer living as long as previously, but he has lost a few years off his lifespan. He is no longer living to 70s plus but now to his later 60s.
This second portion will be due to the damage done to the genomes of humans and other species. It will take a generation or sooner, to see the what the powerful radiations in the Arm of Orion, enormous electric currents and electromagnetic fields have done to the reproducing organisms, as the Solar System moves through The Galactic Plane.
There are other denizens "waiting" for something to pass near; still others moving about such that as our Solar System comes close to them, wreaking havoc upon us and the planet.
It will take time to overcome this damage and develop adaptative chemistries such that in effect, stronger species form from the wreakage. But, in the meantime of such an Event, teratogenic formations, still births, and greatly weakened biochemistries, and altered DNA (whereby the Dark Repair or Excision Repair may not...will not...work effectively), will wreak havoc on species. A massive die–off is inevitable. But...as the die–off occurs, Mother Nature uses adaptative mechanisms to evolve a stronger organism eventually. We can not be sure of any absolute time scale, but a generation or two may pass away during this massive die–off. Some, those strongest biochemically and physically, will survive. Life has a great way of surviving.
The first part of The Killing Mechanism, Part II, will be a massive kill–off. We give nothing as absolute here and hope this is all wrong, but as you will see from what follows, there is a possibility, slim, maybe, but the possibility still exists.
We cannot tell you how best to respond in all instances: We do not know, but we do feel, there is a strong possibility that a Slate Wiper is coming, as happened 11,000 to 19,000 years ago on the sparsely populated planet earth at that time. That which is coming now will cause mass exterminations of all the various living forms. From this, the simplest of creatures, the viruses to the bacteria, to the amphibians in all the world's seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams, to the fowls of the air, and on to the higher forms of animal life on planet earth will disappear never to be seen again. From this, a remodeling of species that are the hardiest will take place; some new species will develop generations from here. We can't tell for sure about the time table; nor, the species that change and those that leave the face of the Earth never to grace it again; or, new ones that develop. This we do know: This has happened a number of times in the past.
From the ashes of the Phoenix, new species will be generated and old species with stronger biochemistries that survive, will be entirely revamped in looks, intelligence, mass, and neural wiring. Life has a great way of surviving, as it did 11,000 – 19,000 years ago when the "Event" happened. And from the old template of species that survived the kill–off and grew, a massive die–off came to those creatures from that "Event," whereby the fittest of creatures survived, and the man of that survival developed a bigger brain case, had better neural wiring, and started producing art, mathematics, poetry, and music, paleontologists inform us.
This latter portion of the die–off that survives will be "survival of the fittest." This is biochemically important. We see this in molecular biology and biochemistry all the time. "It illustrates the importance of various characteristics that biological molecules play in life." — Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 3rd. edition, Elliot & Elliot, page 159
Evolution, under the watchful eye of a prime motivator, developed two characteristics for life to take place and function as well as it does. They are: Polarity and Hydrophobicity, that are extremely important on a planet such as earth that has water, and then...life.
Another feature of life is "bonding." Those electrical attractions between and within biomolecules of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and DNA. Cellular dysfunction occurs when the "wiring" is forced into wrong configurations or done by outside and/or inside forces, such as Electromagnetic Pulses (EMPs) of varying strengths and frequencies, lipid peroxidations, reactive oxygen species, and so forth. Noncovalent bonds, weak bonds of electrical attraction that do not share equally, are readily broken and reformed, unless an outside or inside force is strong enough to cause a permanent breakage also involving strong covalent bonds.This feature of noncovalent bonds broken and reformed "allows noncovalent bonds to mediate the dynamic interactions that occur among molecules in the cell." —Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments, Gerald Karp, 1st. & 4th. Editions
Note This:
"Without noncovalent bonds, such vital life activities as metabolic reactions, duplication of DNA, and movement of materials within cells could not occur." — Ibid
Noncovalent bonds are weak bonds. These bonds are easily disturbed as in the whisking of an egg white, as you'll see in The Killing Mechanism, Section Three. A force, such as that which is coming from the Stars, may disturb them, creating havoc.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, by Elliot & Elliot, Third Edition, page 39, writes, concerning weak bonds:
"It is their very weakness that makes them of central importance to life. The essence of almost everything in life involves biological specificity, which depends on one molecule binding to another with such exquisite precision that only the particular molecules designed by evolution to interact do so. To emphasize the point again, the precisely specific binding of molecules one to another is the basis of virtually all biological process."
An enzyme is specifice for one reaction; a hormone for a particular receptor site; proteins recognized and attached to DNA at a particular site because particular proteins controll, bind to and recognized a particular stretch of DNA. Antibodies combine with particular antigens. The case goes on and one. How are these interactions molecularly achieved and precise?
Elliot & Elliot write:
"The binding processes in the in the examples referred to depend on weak bonds and the specificity arises from: - The fact that individual bonds are so weak that several must be formed for the attachment to occur; and
- The weak bonds can form only if the relevant atoms are positioned close enough to each other.
The combination of (1) and (2) means that only molecules shaped to fit their designated partner (s) can bind in this way. The two must be complementary in shape. The relationship can be so precise that, if a single atom is changed in an enzyme substrate, or in the active centre of an enzyme, the interactions do not occur (WebMaster's Emphasis)."
If something breaks these fragile bonds and keeps them apart; or, they reform in a different fashion, life or health as we have come to know it, may be vastly different, or not exist.
"Binding of substrates to an enzyme must not be so tight that the products of the reaction cannot diffuse away; gene action and reversible gene control demand that interactions are easily reversible," writes Elliot & Elliot.
"In summary, weak bonds permit precise binding between molecules and give the basis for biological specificity. Small numbers of bond spermit easy reversibility of the binding while large numbers can produce stable inter– and intramolecular interactions. The role of weak bonds in biochemistry will be more apparent when we come to the chapters on membranes, protein structure, gene structure, and gene actions" — Ibid.
Life as we know it, is about to change. For a while, it will be quite rough. Those species that are the strongest physically and/or biochemically, will survive, unless hit by the rocks coming, volcanos erupting, tidal waves three and four miles high, etc. It will get vastly better than anything we can even imagine with this new change coming—we suspect. More of all the immediate above will be explained later.
The former element, Polarity, appears to be what the universe is made up of, along with antipolarity, which projects into matter and antimatter, among other things.
Suffice it for now...the violence and senseless killings will now be on the increase. There will be more cop violence against unarmed citizens. This will escalate into more crime against police officers such that some areas will be without policemen because of the uncontrolled violence against them. They will seek other employments. There will be some cities where, if they still have police, will not venture, even with their War Wagons, into the deep ghetto inner cities. These areas will eventually burn. A firestorm will be formed that will spread to the suburbs and outlying areas. The rich will be prime targets. Madness, sheer madness will soon be evident on Planet Earth! Be prepared. We will not be speaking any longer about how to be prepared; only...be prepared.
This is coming soon as cities go bankrupt. Expect city services to be interrupted, sporadic, or even stopped. There will be laws enacted controlling movement into and out of the metropolises. Movement will be curtailed. Curfews will be set. We saw this during Hurricane Ike and others. Passes will have to be gotten for night shifts to present to the remaining law enforcement when moving about after curfews.
The Killing Mechanism
A number of basic ideas must first be burned into our memory banks. We will discuss as presented; or, later, as necessary to make ideas clearer to understand.
Some 40 to 60 years ago, we did not have all of the refined foods as we do now; nor was practically everyone on polyunsaturated fats, such as cannola oil, fish oil, etc. These highly fragile oils have peculiar things done to them, unlike saturated fats. The former all undergo lipid peroxidation, the process wherein that fat becomes rancid. Even if you just took vitamins C, E, beta–carotene, and other antioxidants and then quickly ingest fish oil and quickly follow that with more vitamin antioxidants and the mineral selenium, you cannot play catchup and stop the lipid peroxidation from occurring.
Lipid peroxidation is the process of forming rancid lipids from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). There are some web sites that advertise that we all eat rancid fats in one stage or another regularly. They say it does not harm the body. However, you will see that eventually it does as one ages. And with all the endocrine disrupters out there and PUFAs now being ingested, mankind has about reached its limit.
In just only about 40 to 60 years, we are now reaping—and have been for some time now—what the immediate above are doing to just the American society. Birth rate down, teens mad as hell, violence eruption on teachers, cancer and heart disease still climbing (cancer next year, or this, is to replace heart disease as the number one killer).
A thing called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), is built into the human body. Without it, we can't live, because it is a process that is from the body necessarily using molecular oxygen (oxygen in the atmosphere). Programmed death is built into the body! Yet, we can slow it down (provided we control infections) doing certain things and being aware of this function, that can't be avoided. Oxygen is a "Sword of Damocles." It is a two–edged sword. It gives life and it takes life. It is very toxic.
Oxygen appeared on the Earth about 2.5 billion years ago. Cyanobacteria, in making food from the chemical soup at that time, spewed out its waste product, oxygen, for billions of years. This filled up the atmosphere with it. Other organisms developed and evolved and learned to use oxygen. Many species probably died, but the fittest survived. They learned how to get around its toxicity and grew and multiplied. It eventually took them out, but the species survived and continued to evolve and multiply. This same adaptation is about to occur with all species again, but in a short span of time, we feel. The templates and biochemistries are already here—they don't need to be created this time; however, we feel some definite remodelling will occur, resulting in a better species and some to many new species created.
We will discuss, in addition to Lipid Peroxidation and ROS, Spin Restrictions–thermodynamic barriers to spin inversion (this is coming!), Bond Scission, or Bond–breaking. All figure in The Killing Mechanism, whether Part I with its Cases A/B, and Part II.
We ask you to endure with us for attempting to make this simple whereby it can be understood. Wherein such simplicity is involved, unavoidably, some scientific misunderstanding can be introduced into the the subject matter. Your WebMasters also have a large number of science people studying this site to stay abreast of what is happening in our society. Some of this material is for them too. The WebMasters could write a textbook on this matter. This is not our objective in this instance. We hope it has not been over-simplified. Our job in this matter is to present the material such that one can come away from here knowing what is happening out there when it starts in full view of everyone and perhaps, have some means of surviving in relatively good health and mind, and help them avoid panicking. Being forewarned is being forearmed.
Section Four:
What Preachers Have Been /Are Saying
Many preachers of the 60's and 70's, when the Cold War was raging, preached that in the last days, mankind would have a peculiar way of dying. Men would die standing up, with their flesh falling from their bones. The preachers did not know about The Galactic Plane, nor powerful EMFs, nor enormous electric currents in space, including Type I and Type II Supernovas, among other "denizens" in space, and had very limited understanding of the universe in general, even though much has been learned since then about the cosmos.
Their sermons or homilies focused on this: "Saints (or congregation), this is nothing short of a nuclear blast from an atomic weapon." The point is, many references were made to the Holy Writ that in those days mankind will have a peculiar way of dying. "He will die standing up! And his flesh will catapult from his bones or melt from his skeleton."
"Saints," they would say, "That is an atomic bomb blast."
Your WebMasters say that will come. World War III is inevitable, or some terrorist cell will get ahold of a nuclear device and detonate it first. The two may occur simultaneously; however, the WebMasters feel the War first, and as terror comes from the heavens, armies will be called home and the nukes will stop falling due to the unbelievable devastation coming at/or about the same time from the Stars.
Recall from above, the flash, parallel spin, antiparallel spin, paired and unpaired electrons and what happens if something changes one spin to the other or the other spin to the one, and the spin restriction is overcome, Spontaneous Combustion with a Flash will occur.
Last Trumpet Newsletter, by David J. Myer, pastor, writes in the February 2009, issue:
"In Zechariah 14:12, we read as follows:
'And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.'
He continues, as many of his predecessors....
"This is a clear description of thermonuclear weapons melting flesh, and this prophecy was given nearly 2,500 years ago! God help us all!"
But...there's more. Enter Singlet Oxygen....
From the chart on ROS, you read:
Reactive Oxygen Species
Singlet Oxygen O↑↓ |
Oxygen with antiparallel spins. Produced at high oxygen tensions from the absorption of energy. Decays with the release of light. |
As the tremendous energies coming from the Stars is absorbed, Singlet Oxygen will be formed as is in normal metabolism, but more so, such that when the electrons that have absorbed that energy, when this energy decays, releases photons of light. The enormity of such an "Event" may cause one to disappear in a Flash of Light, due to the thermodynamic effect of such heat energy absorbed and then lost.
In normal metabolic metabolism, an input of energy rearranges the electrons of molecular oxygen and the spin restriction is removed forming singlet oxygen. The oxidizing ability of oxygen is greatly enhanced; therefore, singlet oxygen can move on DNA, lipids, and proteins and directly oxidize them.
Barry Halliwell writing in Reactive Species and Antioxidants. Redox Biology Is a Fundamental Theme of Aerobic Life, says:
"Animals are not exempt from singlet 02 formation; it occurs in the skin and eye (Halliwell and Gutteridge, 2006). Photosensitizers of singlet oxygen2 can be consumed in dietary plants (e.g. hypericin in St. John's Wort [Hypericum perforatum] and psoralens in celery [Apium graveolens]) or taken as drugs (e.g. the fluoroquinolone antibiotics), and subsequent sunbathing can cause skin damage (Morison, 2004; Halliwell and Gutteridge, 2006)."
We live in a sea of microwave energy, this too causes singlet oxygen to form in our bodies. Gradually, the body grinds to a halt. Quicker if the input energy is of higher and more intense frequency — Free Radicals In Biology, Volume II, p. 89.
Also, keep in mind, "leakage." There is no evidence on the adequacy of protective enzymatic systems over the lifetime of a cell to keep leakage from occurring and not produce damage at a much less protected site(s) — Free Radicals In Biology, Volume I, p.12.
Furthermore, "...unpaired electrons aligned by an external magnetic field in the higher energy or antiparallel spin state can "flip" to the more stable parallel state... — Ibid, p. 96.
From this we see that highly energized magnetic fields can cause "flip." If this occurs, we will see Spontaneous Combustion occurring on Planet Earth.
Protein Carbonyls:
Everyone has heard of this chemical group, carbonyl; they just don't know it. To most, it is known as carbon monoxide. Its chemical structure is CO, or C=O. It is found in aldehydes, ketones, and carboxyl groups. A protein carbonyl is the CO group combined in a protein. The side chains of protein residues, proline, arginine, threonine, and lysine leads to the formation of probein carbonyl derivatives. They are formed a number of other ways, including direction oxidation of the protein.
The polyunsaturated fatty acids oxidation products (recall from above lipid peroxidation and the products formed) react with proteins' functional groups generating the introduction of CO (carbonyl) groups into the protein. This is a mediated ROS oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids that causes this.
Protein carbonyl derivatives are generated in organisms when the protein interacts with reducing sugars. Reducing sugars can donate electrons to other molecules and can therefore act as a reducing agent. The sugar is oxidized; those receiving electrons are reduced. If a protein reacts with carbohydrate (sugar) oxidation products, the whole process is referred to as glycation.
This is a tremendously big cause of problems in diabetics—long before a person becomes a diabetic and is experiencing symptoms of insulin inefficiency, or insulin resistance. You who are not diabetics still have this occurring; you can't avoid it. It gradually gets us all. This is one form of aging. The high so–called "complex carbohydrate" diet is one culprit.
Once the protein is tied up, its structure is lost; its function is lost. You have to let it go and rebuild more...ahead of the "hound," that eventually gets us all. We can slow it down, but not stop it. This is one way a physician can tell if you have been cheating on your diet for more than three months. Much of your serum proteins are glycated. The test for this is hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), or glycosylation hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein.
When the glycation occurs, a Schiff base is formed that may undergo Amadori rearrangements. These products are highly sensitive and can form cross–linked adducts. These Amadori products can form several dehydration and oxidative fragmentation yielding in the final form cross–linked derivatives or structures that are ill–defined. None of this is good.
All of these products and reactions, and more than just the few mentioned immediately above are known as Maillard products or Advanced Glycosylation End Products or AGEs. Readers of ChembioUpdate have read more of AGEs and the problems they cause.
However, Dr. Ray Peat, writing in Unsaturated Fatty Acids: Nutritionally essential, or toxic, says:
"The fragments of deteriorating PUFA combine with proteins and other cell materials, producing immunogenic substances. The so-called 'advanced glycation end products,' that have been blamed on glucose excess, are mostly derived from the peroxidation of the 'essential fatty acids.' The name, 'glycation,' indicates the addition of sugar groups to proteins, such as occurs in diabetes and old age, but when tested in a controlled experiment, lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids produces the protein damage about 23 times faster than the simple sugars do (Fu, et al., 1996)."
Regardless, the AGEs accumulate as one ages, cause eye problems, are involved in the development of diabetes, heart disease, gradual impairment of kidney health, wrinkling, and other health problems as well. And people are eating more "essential" oils than ever.
The Maillard Reaction is also known as the "Browning" reaction spoken of above, as when one browns a roast, cake, bread, etc. Carnosine, purchased at natural food stores, appears to sacrifice itself to spare the target on proteins. Carnosine, it is felt, has sites similar to the target sites on protein. Another product is pyridoxamine, a unique form of vitamin B6. All these substances do is slow down glycation. It cannot be reversed once it has occurred.
When "push comes to shove," many who have stored food staples, such as carbohydrates, and will be eating high carbohydrate meals two or more times daily will need to have stored antiglycation products.
When the mega stress hits, protein carbonyls are going to go way up.
Hold the following thoughts in mind:
- Diabetes, namely, type–II, non–insulin dependent, is on the increase; especially in young children, when they should not get this disease until in their forties or later, if programed for it by bad diet or genetic chemistry. Watching dietaries and taking neutraceuticals can often derail the programming, such that the individual may never get this dysfunction.
- Metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X), a newly described dysfunction, is a combination of medical conditions illustrated by:
- Elevated insulin levels, especially fasting.
- HbA1c (hemoglobin glycated with glucose) level abnormal.
- Glucose not metabolized correctly.
- Abnormal lipid profile.
- High blood pressure.
- Excess weight.
- Abdominal fat distribution large.
- People are eating more starches in the form of immediate sugars from foods and drinks. They also are eating so–called "complex carbohydrates" thinking they are getting little or no sugar from the latter.
- There are an increasing number of people seeing their health practitioners and nutritionists for "no energy."
In their private practice, the WebMasters of this document are constantly asked: "What do you have for energy?" Oftentimes patients come into the consultation with a supersized cola or some other sugary fruit drink from a fast–food outlet.
When people have no energy, they opt for more "quick" energy in the form of candies, drinks, and fast–food carbohydrates. This adds to their dilemma.
Now, let's bring the immediate thoughts you are holding in mind and combine them with the AGEs spoken of above.
Why will people go down from this? Glucose is tying up protein, especially HbA1c. Until one builds more hemoglobin, that which is tied up is practically or is useless. It takes time to build more hemoglobin to carry oxygen to be reduced one electron step at a time to form water, carbon dioxide, and ATP, the energy currency of the body. In the meantime, without the necessary oxygen to be used in the cellular respiratory system, also known as the electron transport system, energy is not produced.
But, as more people indulge themselves in excess carbohydrates, especially disaccharides, such as table sugar, maltose, and lactose, as well as dextrins and maltodextrins, protein is glycosylated, or tied–up with glucose in the end. And protein carbonyls are formed and generated into Maillard products forming AGEs. Once here, it is "katy bar the door." It can't be undone. And one suffers from energy deprivation.
With this occurring, coupled with an inordinate amount of stress from the coming turmoil of chaos that is now beginning to present itself on American streets, people will need more energy and the hypothalamus will send out electrical and chemical signals to the adrenal glands to increase blood sugar (glucose) for the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The chemical signals will dump more glucocorticoids, especially cortisol, into the blood stream to convert proteins and fats from muscle mass and adipose tissue into glucose for energy. The brain will not be denied.
But, here's the difficulty: More glucose gets tied–up and forms AGEs, unless one is not already on such a high "sugar" diet. Therefore, less oxygen is available, which means less ATP formation. The electrical impulse to the medulla portion of the adrenal causes Catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) to be released. This causes the liver to convert glycogen (stored sugar) to glucose and release it to the bloodstream. More gasoline...err...glucose is added to the fire.
Our society, the American people, and we suspect other industrialized nations too, are running out of personal energy. As their stress goes higher and higher, especially that coming from The Killing Mechanism, Part One, A & B, and from The Killing Mechanism, Part Two, A & B, we will see more and more humans not able to get their breath. They will falter...they will fall...they will go down and succumb. They can't get the energy they need to keep their metabolisms functioning normally.
We hear regularly from people that they are having difficulty breathing. And with this they can't function adequately. If they have to produce, such as having to defend themselves, their families, or move out of harm's way suddenly, they will not be able to. Their hemoglobin that carries the oxygen is tied up and they are not efficiently getting the oxygen they need. Other problems exist too with AGEs.
Our patients are recommended to have their HbA1c tested. This should be less than 4.5 % for the optimal range. A fasting insulin should be preformed. It should be less than 5 MCIU/ml. The optimum range for glucose should be between 70 – 85 mg/dl. Most current laboratory reference ranges, we have found from our studies and research, to be too high. That's why so many people have this problem, and their doctors can't diagnose them adequately! Life Extension Foundation, with all of their research, agrees.
Glycosylation of proteins occurs. There is no way to stop it totally from happening. You can slow it down; but you cannot reverse it. It will generate much morbidity in the near future, more so than is occurring now.
Possible Indicators : The World Has Run Out Of Time
- Organic Matter—sticks, plants, organic matter, for instance, bursts into flames—spontaneous combustion.
- A slowing down of time as a large body passes nearby Planet Earth:
- Time runs faster farther from gravity because of the relationship between the energy of light and frequency.
- Time runs slower near a massive body, like the Earth, or a passing huge object such as a Star or another planet, etc., because it is closer to gravity.
These predictions were tested and proven in 1962, "using a pair of very accurate clocks mounted at the top and bottom of a water tower. The clock at the base of the tower, nearer to the earth, is found to run slower than the one at the top" — A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking, Updated & Expanded Edition, p. 43.
How would one know such a thing? When the Sun is straight up in the sky, his watch would only read, depending upon which part of the planet he is at during such an Event, 6 am, or 9 am in the morning and yet, he can tell by looking at the Sun, it is noon time.
- Interference with wireless cellphones, internet, radio, TV, vagal nerve stimulator, etc. Also included in this are pacemakers and insulin pumps. Anything depending on electricity and electronics.
- EMF's interacting with hi–tension wires may generate auras.
- Aurora Borealis at the North Pole may come down further South than ever before. It may be seen in South America. And the Aurora Australis at the South Pole may be seen as far North as Canada.
- An abnormal number of deaths occurring throughout the world, such that world governments issue "Statements of Alarm."
If Things Around You Start Changing—Sticks Burst Into Flames, Butterflies Disintegrate, And So–Forth...
Get UnderGround!
AARP Bulletin'Blue Light at Night, Blue Skies in the Morning,' Karaim, Reed. October 2006.
A Brief History of Time, Updated & Expanded Edition, Hawking, Stephen, Bantam Press, 1996.
An Introduction To Chemistry for Biology Students, Seventh Edition, Sackheim, George I., Benjamin Cummings, 2000.
All About Electricity, Ira M. Freeman, Illus. by Evelyn Urbanowich. Random House, 1957.
Aurora: Rivers of Light In The Sky. DVD, Skyriver Films, 2001.
Basic Electricity, Charles W. Ryan. Wiley, 1976.
Biochemistry, Abeles, Robert H., Frey, Perry A., Jencks, William P., Jones and Bartlet, 1992.
Basic Medical Biochemistry, A Clinical Approach, Marks, Marks, & Smith. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1996.
Biothiols in Health and Disease, edited by Packer, Lester; Cadenas, Enrique. Dekker, 1995.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Third Edition, Elliott, Whilliam H., Elliott, Daphne C., Oxford, 2005.
Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 950 B.C., Allan, D.S., Delair, J.B., Bear & Co., 1997.
Cell And Molecular Biology, Concepts And Experiments, First Publication (1996); Fourth Edition, Gerald Karp. Wiley, 2005.
Chemistry: The Molecular Science, Second Edition, Olmsted & Williams. W.C.Brown, 1997.
Concise Encyclopedia of Physics. McGraw – Hill, 2005.
Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine, Becker, Robert O., M.D. Tarcher, 1990.
Dictionary of Physics, Edited by John Daintith. Harper & Row, Publishers, 1981.
Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Second Edition, Singleton, Paul; Sainsbury, Diana. Wiley, 1997.
Electromagnetic Fields, Levitt, Blake B., Harcourt Brace, 1995.
Electromagnetic Pulses, Reichert Art, March 21, 1988. Internet accessed: October 15, 2007.
EMP Weapons Lead Race for Non-Lethal Technology, Fulghum, David A., May 2, 1993.
Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, And Human Performance, McArdle, William D., Katch, Frank I., Katch, Victor, L. Williams & Wilkins, 1996
Free Radicals in Biology: Volumes 1, II, III, IV, V. Edited by William A. Pryor. Academic Press, 1977.
General Chemistry, Fifth Edition, Ebbing, D.D., Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996.
Gilbert DL, editor (1981) Oxygen and Living Processes: An Inter-Disciplinary Approach. Springer, New York.
Graphic Survey of Physics, Alexander Taffel. Oxford Book Company, 1957/58.
Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC (2006) Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine, Ed 4. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Fourteenth Edition, Lewis Richard J., Sr., 2001.
How Radio Signals Work, Sinclair, Jim. McGraw–Hill, 1997.
Human Anatomy & Physiology, Sixth Edition, Marieb Elaine N. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, 2004.
Hyperspace: From The Birth of The Universe To The End of Our World with Sam Neill. BBC Video (DVD), 2001.
Immunology: A Short Course, Eli, B., Coico, R., Sunshine, G., Fourth Edition/Fifty Edition. Wiley–Liss, 2000, 2003.
Instant Notes in Biochemisty, B.D. Hames et al. Bio Scientific Publishers, Reprinted 1999.
Introductory Electromagnetics, Neff, Herbert P., Jr. Wiley, 1991.
Invisible Rays: A History of Radioactivity, Brown, G. I. Sutton Publishings, 2002.
Introduction To Electomagnetism, Sibley, Martin. Essential Electronics. Arnold, 1996.
IronMan Magazine, Jerry Brainum's Bodybuilding Pharmacology: "The Yolk's On You.' November, 2007.
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- Fighting Chance: Ten feet to survival.
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- Emergency Medicine Presentation & Interview. Dr. Jane M. Orient.
- Steel Blast Shelter Tour. Narrated by Arthur B. Robinson.
- Mobile Shelter Display Tour. Narrated by Arthur B. Robinson.
- Nuclear War Survival Skills Overview. Narrated by Cresson H. Kearny.
- Road to the Wall
- Nuclear War Survival Skills with Cresson H. Kearny.
- Part 1: Expedient Blast and Radiation Shelters
- Part 2: Shelter Ventilation and Various Other Survival Skills
- Nuclear War Survival Skills with Cresson H. Kearny.
- Part 3: Home-makeable and Commercial Fallout Radiation Meters.
- Part 4: Facts About Nuclear War As Told To Teenagers.
- Soviet Civil Defense:
- Part 1: Introduction. Interview of Dr. Leon Goure
- Part 2: Soviet Training Manuals and Books. Current Journals - Section 1.
- Soviet Civil Defense
- Part 3: Current Journals - Section 2. Soviet Training Film - Number 1.
- Part 4: Soviet Training Films. Number 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
- Soviet Civil Defense
- Part 5: Soviet Training Films. Number 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
- Part 6: Soviet Training Films. Number 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.
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- Part 7: Soviet Training Film Number 17. Soviet Civil Defense Posters. Presentation by Dr. Leon Goure. Including:
Facts About Nuclear War As Explained to School Children By Dr. Jane Orient.
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Ray Peat's Newsletter, 'Suitable Fats, Unsuitable Fats: Issues in Nutrition,' Peat, Ray. November 2007, Copyright 2006. Click Here For WebSite.
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Selye's Guide To Stress, Research Volume I, Edited by Hans Selye. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1980.
Textbook of Medical Physiology, Eleventh Edition, Guyton & Hall. Elsevier Saunders, 2006.
The ARRL Letter, Vol. 27, No. 1. January 11, 2008.
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The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, Compiled and edited by Glasstone, Samuel; and Dolan, Philip J., Third Edition. Prepared and published by the United States Department of Defense and the Energy Research and Development Administration, 1977.
The Facts On File Dictionary of Biochemistry, Daintith, John. Checkmark Books, 2003.
The Horizon Project: Bracing For Tomorrow, Miller, Brent. 2007. We suggest everyone have this DVD. Buy several and sent to friends. Ask them to do similar. Order Here
The Long Emergency, Kunstler, James Howard. Atlantic Monthly Press, N.Y., 2005.
The Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse, by Makoff, Greg and Kosta Tsipis. Report #19. Program in Science and Technology for International Security, Cambridge, MA, March 1988.
The Tunguska Fireball: Solving One of the Great Mysteries of the 20th Century, Surendar Verma.
The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk and The Cover–Up, Brodeur, Paul. Norton, 1977.
The Witness of the Stars, Bullinger, E. W. Kregel Publications, reprinted 07.
Warning: The Electricity Around You May Be Hazardous To Your Health: How To Protect Yourself From EMFs and Why You Should, Sugarman, Ellen. Morris Publishing, 1992.
When Life Nearly Died: The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time, Benton, Michael J., Thames & Hudson, 2003.
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress – Related Diseases, and Coping, Sapolsky, Robert M., Third Edition. Owl Books, 2004.
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